Enhancing Collaboration with Power Automate: Revolutionising Teamwork

Enhancing Collaboration with Power Automate: Revolutionising Teamwork

In today’s swiftly evolving digital landscape, small businesses are constantly searching for tools to streamline their operations, foster productivity, and enhance collaboration among team members. Power Automate, a component of Microsoft’s Power Platform, is emerging as a revolutionary tool for automating workflows and facilitating seamless communication within teams. This article delves into how Power Automate can transform collaboration by automating notifications for project updates, assignments, approvals, and more, thereby driving efficiency and saving valuable time and resources.

Automating Project Updates

Keeping everyone on the same page can be challenging, especially in dynamic project environments. Power Automate simplifies this by automating the dissemination of project updates. For instance, when a project’s status changes in your project management tool, a cloud flow can automatically send a notification to a team’s communication platform, such as Microsoft Teams or Slack. This ensures that every team member is promptly informed about project progress, reducing the need for manual follow-ups and meetings.

Streamlining Assignments

Assigning tasks is a fundamental aspect of teamwork that can often become cumbersome. Power Automate enables the automation of task assignments through integration with various project management tools. When a new task is created, it can automatically assign the task to the relevant team member based on predefined criteria, such as expertise or workload, and notify them via their preferred communication channel. This not only speeds up the distribution of work but also ensures a fair and efficient allocation of tasks.

Facilitating Approvals

Approval processes are critical in many business operations, from expense reimbursements to document signoffs. Power Automate streamlines this process with automated approval workflows. When a request is submitted, an approval flow is triggered, sending a notification to the approvers’ email or mobile app, where they can review and respond to the request with a simple click. This accelerates decision-making and keeps processes moving smoothly, eliminating bottlenecks that can arise from manual approval methods.

Empowering Teams with Timely Information

Access to timely information is vital for effective collaboration. Power Automate can be configured to send notifications for various triggers, such as when a deadline is approaching or when a critical document is updated. This ensures that team members are always aware of important milestones and changes, enabling them to take timely actions and make informed decisions.

Customising Communication Channels

Different teams have different communication preferences, and Power Automate accommodates this diversity by supporting various channels. Whether your team prefers email, instant messaging, or a dedicated project management tool, Power Automate can deliver notifications through these channels, ensuring that the information reaches everyone in their preferred format. This flexibility enhances the effectiveness of communication and collaboration within the team.

For small businesses looking to enhance collaboration and efficiency, Power Automate offers a powerful solution. By automating notifications for project updates, assignments, approvals, and more, teams can significantly reduce manual tasks, stay informed in real time, and focus on strategic work that drives business success. Power Automate not only saves time and money but also fosters a culture of transparency and responsiveness, which are crucial elements in today’s competitive business landscape. Embracing Power Automate is a step towards revolutionising teamwork and propelling your business forward in the digital age.

Are you ready to revolutionise your business processes and boost collaboration? Reach out to KeyTech today, and together let’s explore how Power Automate can transform your workflows. Together, we’ll tailor solutions to maximise efficiency and propel your business to new heights. Contact us now for a personalised consultation.

Enhancing Your Conversations with Microsoft Copilot: 7 Tips for Optimal Results

Enhancing Your Conversations with Microsoft Copilot: 7 Tips for Optimal Results

In the fast-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, Microsoft Copilot stands out as a powerful tool that can transform the way you work. To make the most out of this innovative technology, it’s crucial to understand how to communicate effectively with Copilot. Here are seven tips inspired by Microsoft experts to ensure your interactions with Copilot yield the best possible results.

1. Start with the End in Mind

Specify the output you desire from Copilot. Whether it’s crafting an email, starting a brainstorming session, or generating a detailed memo, providing clear examples of your expectations enhances Copilot’s ability to deliver precisely what you need.

2. Set the Stage

Offer context and relevant details about the outcome you’re working towards. Describe the purpose, audience, and any specific focus areas. Unlike traditional search engines, Copilot thrives on descriptive prompts, so be thorough in explaining your requirements.

3. Define Parameters

While not mandatory, specifying information sources or samples can significantly improve results. Whether it’s broad guidelines or tagging specific files, providing additional details helps Copilot understand your needs better.

4. Tailor the Delivery

Clearly state your expectations regarding tone, audience, and style. Explain who you are and the objective you’re aiming for. For instance, you might request Copilot to explain concepts as if addressing a novice-level audience or to provide only top-line takeaways for a busy executive.

5. Be Polite

Basic etiquette matters. Using polite language sets a positive tone for the response. Just as in human interactions, politeness fosters a collaborative and respectful environment. Copilot, like any language model, mirrors the levels of professionalism and clarity in the inputs it receives.

6. Be Curious

Before diving into your main request, ask preliminary questions to gather essential information. A growth mindset, as emphasised by Microsoft CVP and Deputy CTO Sam Schillace, is key. Knowing what you don’t know can guide you to ask more insightful questions.

7. Iterate, Iterate, Iterate

Remember, Copilot is a collaborative tool. It’s not discouraged by initial requests; instead, it encourages an ongoing conversation. Think of it as a dynamic and interactive process where you co-create content, solve problems, and learn based on your goals, expectations, and feedback.

Conclusion: A Conversation, Not a Command

Working with AI, especially Copilot, is more than a one-way street. It’s a dynamic process where you and Copilot collaborate, co-create, and learn from each other. By following these tips, you’re not just commanding Copilot; you’re engaging in a conversation that leads to more refined, efficient, and valuable outcomes. As you lead the way, remember that effective communication is the key to unlocking the full potential of generative AI.

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Navigating Microsoft 365 Evolution: A Guide for Non-Profit Organisations

Navigating Microsoft 365 Evolution: A Guide for Non-Profit Organisations

Technology is ever-evolving, and for non-profit organisations, keeping up with these changes is crucial. The New Commerce Experience (NCE) has left a significant impact on how organisations engage with Microsoft 365 (M365), and this impact is extending to the non-profit sector in 2024. As Microsoft plans to release new public sector SKUs in phases, beginning in March, non-profits may find themselves facing confusion and uncertainty. This article aims to address that confusion, offering guidance and advice to non-profits and others in the public sector in navigating the NCE transition.

Non-Profit Decision Triangle

Non-profit organisations often grapple with a unique decision triangle when making IT investments, encompassing budget considerations, flexibility requirements, and the need to future-proof technology investments. The confusion around these elements can be overwhelming, but understanding and addressing these considerations are essential for successful engagements with non-profit organisations affected by the NCE.

1. Budget Considerations

Non-profit entities operate within specific budget approval and deployment windows. Discussions around M365 payments should focus on licensing terms, offsetting spending increases, and efficient IT budget allocation. Monthly vs. annual commitments and economical decisions to manage spending increases are crucial topics for discussion.

2. Flexibility Requirements

Solutions must align with the adaptability required in the non-profit sector, accommodating temporary staff and cyclical trends. Discussions should focus on the mix of fixed vs. temporary staff and translate these needs into flexible licensing terms that align with the dynamic nature of non-profit workforces.

3. Future-Proof Investments

NCE discussions provide an opportunity to future-proof technology investments in line with key trends like automation, AI readiness, and hybrid work. Non-profit organisations should make strategic decisions that align with these trends, ensuring that their technology investments are positioned for long-term success.

Addressing Confusion with KeyTech

Navigating through the confusion of the NCE transition requires a reliable partner. As a leading technology solutions provider, KeyTech understands the unique challenges faced by non-profit organisations. KeyTech is here to offer guidance and advice, addressing your specific concerns during this transition.

Why Data Protection is Crucial

Understanding the impact of NCE on data protection is crucial, considering the rise in data and the sensitivity of non-profit data. KeyTech’s data protection solutions are tailored to meet the specific needs of non-profit organisations:

  1. Flexibility: KeyTech’s solutions empower non-profits to selectively back up specific users, ensuring efficiency and scalability. Organisations can grant end-user access to backups, enabling co-management with their IT team.
  2. Future-Proof: Data protection solutions that cover a comprehensive range of M365 services, ensuring that non-profit organisations can rely on the solution’s growth to meet their future data protection needs.
  3. Budget: Offering non-profits flexibility in billing frequency and terms, to align with their IT expenses, whether capital or operating expenses.


Guidance and Next Steps for Non-Profit Organisations

Non-profit organisations play a pivotal role in guiding themselves through the NCE transition. To alleviate confusion, initiate conversations about Microsoft 365 licensing updates and potential data protection gaps. Stay informed about Microsoft incentives and take advantage of promotions for early adopters.

In navigating the Microsoft 365 Evolution (NCE), non-profit organisations play a vital role in ensuring a smooth transition to new public sector SKUs. To empower non-profits through this journey, Microsoft offers a suite of resources meticulously tailored to their unique needs:

  • Microsoft 365 Business Premium Crash Course: Explore how Microsoft 365 Business Premium supports common non-profit scenarios, making collaboration, security, mobility, and device management easier.
  • Amplify Human Creativity with Copilot: Discover five tips for maximising Copilot at your non-profit to enhance productivity. Get the Infographic.
  • Microsoft 365 Training for Nonprofits: Empower your staff through pre-curated courses and customised learning journeys to accelerate your organisation’s impact.
  • Microsoft 365 Grant: Take advantage of the Microsoft 365 Business Premium grant, available for free for up to 10 users with discounted pricing for additional users. Ideal for small and mid-sized nonprofits needing email, Office desktop applications, cloud file storage, web conferencing, and advanced security features.
  • Demo Videos: Watch ready-to-use features in Microsoft 365 to better engage with donors and supporters and make a greater impact.

For a comprehensive overview of these resources and more, visit Microsoft’s official non-profit page here. Empower your non-profit organisation with the tools it needs to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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Boosting Small Business Productivity with Microsoft Copilot

Boosting Small Business Productivity with Microsoft Copilot

In today’s fast-paced business world, small business owners wear many hats. They’re often juggling multiple responsibilities, from attending meetings and writing documents to staying updated on the latest industry trends. With the advent of Microsoft Copilot, a groundbreaking AI-powered assistant, small business owners now have a game-changing tool at their disposal to enhance productivity, streamline tasks, and make work more manageable.

Embrace the AI Revolution

Copilot represents a new way of working. It’s like having a trusty co-pilot by your side, assisting you as you navigate the challenges of modern business. Here’s how Copilot can revolutionise the way small business owners operate:

Faster Document Creation

Whether it’s writing proposals, createing marketing materials, or organising reports, these tasks can be time-consuming. Copilot in Microsoft Word is like having a writing assistant that can suggest improvements, rephrase sentences, and help you find the right words quickly.

Smarter Meeting Transcriptions

Copilot integrated into Microsoft Teams transforms the way you manage meetings. It transcribes discussions, helping you keep a record of what was said and decisions made. No need to scribble notes frantically; Copilot has you covered.

Streamlined Communication

Copilot in Outlook is your ally in crafting better email communications. It can help you summarise lengthy discussions, write more clearly, and even suggest action items to keep your inbox organised.

Learning on the Go

Small business owners often need to learn new skills and stay informed about their industry. Copilot can help you find relevant information, summarise articles, and even generate conceptual art that can aid your learning process.

Personalised Assistance

Copilot adapts to your needs. It understands your writing style, your preferences, and your workflow, making it a truly personal assistant. It even suggests improvements while respecting your voice.

The Importance of Fact-Checking

While Copilot is a remarkable tool, it’s essential to remember that AI-generated content may not always be 100% accurate. So, always double-check facts, especially for critical documents or communications. Copilot is a helpful assistant, but the final responsibility lies with you.

Transforming Meetings with Copilot in Teams

Meetings are a staple in the business world, but they can be unproductive if not managed well. Copilot in Microsoft Teams is a game-changer for small business owners:


Never miss a detail. Copilot accurately transcribes meetings, giving you a record of what was discussed.


It helps structure ideas, understand context, and brings collaboration to the next level.

Actionable Insights

Easily identify what decisions were made and your specific action items, ensuring that you leave each meeting with a clear plan.

Elevating Document Creation with Copilot in Word & Excel

Microsoft Word and Excel are vital tools for any small business. Copilot takes these applications to the next level:

Efficient Writing

Copilot assists in writing more effectively. It’s like having a professional editor on standby.

Data Analysis

In Excel, Copilot can assist in analysing data, making complex calculations simpler.

A New Way of Working

Microsoft Copilot is not autopilot; it’s a co-pilot, there to support you and enhance your capabilities. It’s a transformative tool, helping users to work smarter, faster, and more efficiently. Embrace the power of AI, and explore what’s possible with Copilot. With Copilot by your side, you’re in the driver’s seat, leading the way to greater productivity and ease in your business journey.

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Microsoft’s Bing Chat Enterprise

Microsoft’s Bing Chat Enterprise

An AI Solution Ensuring Data Protection

As the use of AI tools increase in businesses, data privacy and security have also emerged as critical concerns. Companies are cautious about using generative AI tools due to the risk of confidential information leaks. This week Microsoft introduced a preview of Bing Chat Enterprise, a revolutionary AI-powered chat tool that prioritises data protection. This article explores Bing Chat Enterprise’s features and its ability to address data privacy concerns associated with AI.

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Enhanced Data Protection for Businesses

Recently launched in preview mode, Bing Chat Enterprise will be available in selected Microsoft 365 plans at no extra cost. Designed for companies hesitant about generative AI, it ensures users’ chat data is not saved or used for AI model training. This protection sets it apart from OpenAI’s ChatGPT as well as other AI tools including the AI powered Bing which utilise user prompts for training unless they opt out.

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Eliminating Fear of Data Leaks

Bing Chat Enterprise alleviates concerns about accidental sharing of confidential information. Its secure service prevents potential leaks, complemented by manual and automated reviews that monitor inappropriate behaviour, ensuring ethical business communication.
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Built on Trustworthy Technology

Microsoft confirmed to The Telegraph that Microsoft cannot view your company data, adding that the service offers “commercial data protection.” Bing Chat Enterprise utilises OpenAI’s GPT-4 model with both automated and manual reviews, ensuring proprietary and confidential data remains protected.
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Microsoft's Commitment to Privacy and Security

Microsoft’s launch of Bing Chat Enterprise reflects its dedication to developing AI-powered tools with the utmost privacy and security for businesses. The tool’s introduction indicates a growing demand for AI solutions in the business world, with data protection at the forefront.
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A Glimpse into the Future of AI-Powered Tools

Bing Chat Enterprise offers more than data protection; it provides a glimpse into the future of AI-powered tools. To foster trust between businesses and AI developers, addressing privacy and security concerns becomes paramount as AI tools become more widespread. Bing Chat Enterprise is a promising opportunity for businesses seeking secure AI solutions for communication needs, without the fear of data leaks.
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Insights from an interview between Yusuf Mehdi and Fox Business

In an interview with Fox Business yesterday, Yusuf Mehdi revealed that Bing Chat Enterprise unlocks AI for everyone in the workplace, prioritising data protection. Additionally, Microsoft’s M365 Co-Pilot aims to facilitate real-time meeting summaries and seamless integration with Teams & PowerPoint, expanding AI use cases in workplaces.

Microsoft’s Bing Chat Enterprise marks a groundbreaking step in AI-powered tools for businesses. By ensuring data privacy and security, this chat tool empowers companies to leverage AI confidently. With Bing Chat Enterprise, millions of users can harness AI’s potential in various use cases, fostering a new era of AI-powered collaboration and productivity. As AI becomes an integral part of the workplace, Microsoft sets a positive example for the industry by prioritising data protection.

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Mobile Device & App Management

Mobile Device & App Management

Empowering Efficient Workflows On & Off-Site

In today’s business landscape, where mobility is increasingly important, Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Mobile Application Management (MAM) solutions have become indispensable tools for businesses of all sizes.

MDM and MAM offer comprehensive security strategies, enabling businesses to effectively manage and secure their mobile devices and applications. They also provide numerous benefits, including enhanced productivity, increased control, improved cost savings, and a seamless user experience.

In this post, we will explore why MDM and MAM are crucial for businesses and how they can help businesses achieve their objectives.

What is MDM and MAM and how do they differ?

Mobile Device Management (MDM) involves managing and securing mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops, across a business. It allows businesses to remotely manage and configure devices, enforce security policies, and ensure compliance with corporate standards. MDM solutions typically include features such as device inventory and tracking, remote wiping of devices, and the ability to enforce password policies.

On the other hand, Mobile Application Management (MAM) focuses on managing and securing mobile applications used by employees in the business. MAM solutions provide IT departments with the ability to control and manage the access, distribution, and security of enterprise mobile applications. MAM solutions often include features such as app wrapping, which involves adding a layer of security around an application to protect it from unauthorised access or data leakage, and app management, which allows businesses to distribute and manage apps across a range of devices.

The main difference between MDM and MAM is that MDM focuses on managing the devices themselves, while MAM focuses on managing the applications that run on those devices. However, both MDM and MAM are important components of a comprehensive mobile management strategy and can be used together to provide a holistic approach to mobile security and management.

How can MDM & MAM help businesses?

MDM solutions enhance a business’s security measures by allowing them to effectively manage and secure their mobile devices. This can include remotely wiping data from lost or stolen devices, setting up security policies to protect sensitive data, and preventing unauthorised access to company resources. MDM solutions can also simplify device management by providing a centralised console for managing mobile devices, which can help IT teams deploy updates and software remotely, saving time and resources.

MDM enables employees to work from anywhere and anytime, which can increase productivity and allow employees to be more responsive to their customers’ needs. Additionally, MDM solutions can help businesses save money by automating device and application management tasks, freeing up resources to focus on other critical business tasks. Finally, MDM solutions can ensure compliance with industry regulations and policies governing the use of mobile devices, providing businesses with peace of mind while avoiding costly penalties for non-compliance.

By implementing a MAM solution, businesses can benefit from streamlined application management and improved productivity. These solutions provide IT teams with a console for deploying, configuring, and updating applications on employee devices. A MAM solution secures access to company data at an application level with its built-in robust mobile security protocols protecting against potential breaches. MAM is a key tool for any business looking to enhance workplace efficiency without compromising company resources!

MDM and MAM solutions are essential tools for businesses that rely heavily on mobile devices and applications. These solutions offer numerous benefits, including reducing the risk of errors and downtime, providing employees the flexibility to access their work remotely, enhanced security and increased control, improved productivity, and cost savings. By adopting MDM and MAM solutions, businesses can focus on what matters most – their business.

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